Buyers: Role Description

Updated 15 months ago

Buyers are the individuals or companies that purchase the leads or calls generated through your call-tracking campaigns. In the context of a call-tracking app, buyers may include affiliate marketers, lead generators, or direct advertisers.

Buyers are the end users of the calls. All calls generated by vendors are redirected, depending on the settings and algorithms of the system, to the phones of buyers where their agents can offer the company's products and services. Each buyer can have an unlimited number of phone numbers (destinations) where calls will be redirected. Destinations can be understood as a mobile, landline, program phone, or any device that can receive calls.

As with vendors, buyers can be understood as user groups where users will be invited later. The account manager creates buyers and then invites users if necessary. Buyers, like vendors, are not mandatory entities in the system. They are primarily used in the classic pay-per-call model.

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