Pay Per CallIndustries
Pay Per Call Marketing for the Travel Industry

4 min read

April 9, 2024

Disclaimer: Increase the number of your customers with Pay Per Call.

People like traveling. With the coronavirus pandemic, we all suddenly realized how much we lost with the borders closed.

After the shocking crisis in the travel industry caused by the dreadful virus, the world is gradually getting back to normal. Tourist agencies, as well as hotels and apartments, are returning to the usual fight for clients. On the other hand, travelers are surfing the net, choosing the next destination point.

When a person is planning a vacation, their choice of destination is influenced by their family and friends’ recommendations, reviews on TripAdvisor, Google ads, and personal preferences. Although most of those activities are done online, customers still need a personal conversation to figure out the details and to make sure nothing will spoil their long-awaited trip. Some may come to the office for a real talk, while others prefer to call. The information gathered from those phone calls is gold for the marketing experts of any tourist business. Here is where the Pay Per Call software steps in.

Pay Per Call is a possibility for businesses to understand where their customers come from. You may have either a chain of luxurious hotels in different regions of the country or a small family bed & breakfast inn, but your goals are the same. You want a steady flow of visitors throughout the whole year. Using the tracking numbers on your ads, you will be able to know which regions are more active. Some people prefer to travel in the summer and your phone will start ringing in April. Others like changing nasty winter weather in December or January, so you should be ready for bookings in October and November. With Pay Per Call, you receive real-time analytics on the inbound calls. You know which ads bring more leads and optimize your marketing campaign throughout the year. Other possibilities of the Pay Per Call software are described below.

What are the benefits of Pay Per Call for the travel industry?

  • Valuable data about your target audience. You will know who prefers to stay in your hotels or use the services of your tourist agency. The information will include their names, address, sex, and location.
  • Possibility to record the calls. Recording the calls and turning back to them later will allow you to understand what your customers expect from you, what kind of vacation they need, and which keywords from your ads attracted them most. Besides, listening to the calls, you improve your communication skills and train your staff.
  • Saving budget. You can turn off campaigns that do not generate leads without risking financial loss. You will be aware of where your customers are coming from. How many of them saw a Google ad, how many were appealed to with a banner, and how many noticed that billboard.
  • Global expansion. International phone numbers included in the service allow you to attract tourists from other countries. You can choose a toll-free number, and the call will be completely free for them. It’s a perfect way to get closer to your customers.

Dialics offers all the valuable functionality for its users. It is a tool that can be used right in the browser. You register an account, choose the types of numbers you want to deal with, and start your first campaign. Analytics will be available with the first calls. A free trial period allows you to get to know all the functionality. If you are hesitating, please request a demo and our technical experts will show you around.

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Comments (4)

DiyaApril 12, 2022
In the high season, this is a great chance for hotels!.
AvaApril 25, 2022
It looks like pay per call is a good option for a travel agency. Thank you for the overview.