Priority Routing
Forward calls to available destinations to guarantee an even workload and not a single missed call

What is priority routing?
Inbound calls can be handled by several destinations, i.e., several agents may be ready to answer the phone. Call routing allows for setting up special rules and restrictions on receiving calls. For instance, if the first agent is busy, the second one picks up the phone. Another condition may be the limit on the number of calls that each agent can handle or restrictions on the allocated budget for the call minutes. Therefore, the system uses schedules and restrictions as an algorithm to direct inbound calls to available agents.
How does priority routing work?
Follow these simple steps to set up a round-robin call forwarding scheme

Why is priority routing important for business?
Functionality tailored to your industry
Here are some responses to commonly asked questions about priority routing in the Dialics system. Not sure yet? Kindly contact us