Call Tracking

ROI Measurement

Study the performance of your campaigns to know which of them generates the best leads for your business

What is ROI measurement?

What is ROI measurement?

ROI measurement refers to the process of assessing the return on investment (ROI) generated from online and offline advertising campaigns that involve phone calls. To measure ROI in call tracking, businesses typically compare the revenue generated from calls attributed to each marketing channel or campaign against the associated costs, such as advertising spend or call tracking expenses. As a result, the effectiveness and profitability of marketing efforts can be calculated. Knowing the ROI value allows businesses to allocate their marketing budgets more effectively and optimize their strategies for maximum profitability.

How to measure ROI with Dialics?

Examine your most productive traffic channels to allocate budgets efficiently

Call Attribution
Assign virtual phone numbers to your advertising campaigns. Set the attribution model to learn which of the traffic sources generates more leads and which keywords work best for your target audience.
Analytical Data
Monitor the performance of your marketing strategy in the call log analytics. Metrics assigned to your campaigns allow for careful identification of gaps in the advertising efforts and timely termination of wasting budget.
Make data-driven decisions regarding your ongoing ad campaigns. Switch off the ads that are unproductive. Apply relevant changes in real time and increase the ROI.

Why is ROI measurement important in call tracking?

Effective budget allocation
With the ROI value at hand, businesses can determine which traffic sources or ad campaigns demonstrate the best performance. This data allows for effective budget allocation, investing more resources in channels that deliver the best results.
Marketing optimization
ROI measurement enables businesses to identify which marketing tactics are most successful in driving phone calls and conversions. Armed with this data, they can optimize their marketing strategies, focusing on the tactics and channels that yield the highest ROI and adjusting or eliminating those that are less effective.
Maximizing revenue
Understanding the ROI of different marketing efforts allows businesses to prioritize activities that contribute most to their bottom line. By investing in strategies with a high ROI, businesses can maximize their revenue and profitability over time.

Functionality tailored to your industry

Get more leads and spend less on ads. Use Dialics for better results. Collaborate with buyers and vendors and extend the community.
Marketing Agencies
Select a pro tool to analyze marketing campaign effectiveness. Boost your reputation and grow satisfied customers.
Small and Medium Entrepreneur
Boost marketing with data analytics. Get insights, ROI measurement, and increased sales.


If you have any questions about ROI measurement with Dialics, you can find the information here. Can’t find an answer? Please contact us

How do I know which of my ads are the most productive?
What is a good level of ROI for pay-per-call ads?
How can I improve the ROI value?
Can I have a trial version of the Dialics platform?

More Features

VoIP Shield
Enable the VoIP shield to keep your analytical data clean and save on quality calls.
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Сall Recording
Listen to your clients to know their expectations better and to improve phone customer service.
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Voicemail & SMS
Allow your callers to receive the information even outside of business hours or in the case of busy destinations.
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Call Queues
Do not lose a single lead. Arrange calls in a waiting queue if the lines are busy or unavailable.
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Spam Filters
Make your analytics transparent and clear. Filter anonymous calls or repeated callers from the system.
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Whisper Message
Improve customer service by letting the destinations know the phone call source and keywords. Allow your agents to receive instant help from managers.
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Call Greetings
Provide excellent phone customer service. Conversions will increase with every happy customer.
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Call Forwarding
Direct calls to available agents or automated responces. Provide convenient working hours for the team and excellent customer service.
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Dynamic Number Insertion
Use dynamic numbers to get deeper analytics about your ads. Examine the most relevant keywords and the most productive traffic sources.
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Get started with Dialics ROI Measurement to manage and track your ad campaigns

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