What Is Closed-Loop Attribution and How Does It Work in Business?
Closed-loop attribution connects the marketing and sales teams' efforts to assure high conversion rates and cost savings. In the previous article, we touched upon the important tendency of connecting marketing and sales data for high conversion rates. If a company does not care about close...

6 min read

April 8, 2024

Understanding three types of data
Understanding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-Party Data for Successful Marketing
10 min read
April 8, 2024
Is interruption marketing a part of your strategy
Is Interruption Marketing a Part of Your Strategy?
6 min read
April 8, 2024
Affiliate Marketing: Complete Guide
Affiliate Marketing: A Complete Guide for Beginners
12 min read
April 8, 2024
How to Improve Your CRR
How to Improve Your Customer Retention Rate?
9 min read
April 8, 2024
how to create a lookalike audience
How to Create a Lookalike Audience in Google Ads
5 min read
April 8, 2024
what is ROI? why is it important for your business?
What Is ROI? Why Is It Important for Your Business?
7 min read
April 8, 2024
Hot Leads vs. Warm Leads vs. Cold Leads: How to Define?
Disclaimer: Differentiating between the types of leads your marketing department deals with ensures a proper strategy and a significant increase in conversion rates. Many different factors influence the conversion rate of a business. However, any marketing funnel is aimed at leads. Depending on the type...

6 min read

April 8, 2024

what is earnings per click
What Is Earnings Per Click (EPC)?
4 min read
April 8, 2024
Attribution Models in Marketing
MarketingCall Tracking
Attribution Models in Marketing
8 min read
April 8, 2024
Email Bounce Rate
MarketingCall Tracking
Email Bounce Rate: What Is It and How to Reduce It?
5 min read
April 8, 2024
top tools for media buying agencies
MarketingCall Tracking
Top Tools for Media Buying Agencies
8 min read
April 8, 2024
Best time to cold call
Call TrackingMarketing
Best Time to Cold Call
6 min read
April 8, 2024
Call Tracking & Analytics Software - Dialics
MarketingPay Per Call
What Is a Good Conversion Rate?
12 min read
April 8, 2024