Call Tracking

Voicemail & SMS

Do not miss leads who are calling outside of business hours

What is voicemail and SMS functionality?

What is voicemail and SMS functionality?

Voicemail and auto-sms features allow you not to lose clients calling outside your business hours or those who cannot get through because all the destinations are busy or unavailable. Voicemail allows your callers to listen to a recorded piece of information regarding working hours or reasons for busy lines. Auto-sms replies can be set for your callers to know why they couldn’t reach you and any other relevant information.

How can I set up voicemail and SMS?

Customize additional features so that your callers feel engaged

Enable the voicemail feature for the callers. You can upload a file from a computer or file storage. There is also the possibility of recording a message or typing the text that will be played for the caller.
Auto SMS
Notify your callers about busy lines or working hours via SMS. Auto-sms replies can be set to be sent during business hours if the destinations are busy or outside of business hours if the caller can’t reach your company.

What are the benefits of voicemail and SMS?

24/7 availability
Voicemail and auto-sms replies allow businesses to inform their customers about business hours or the reasons for busy lines, ensuring that every lead is handled. You show your customers you care about them even when you do not work.
Customer experience
Voicemail provides callers with the opportunity to listen to notifications at their own convenience without having to wait on hold or repeatedly call back. Auto-sms informs your callers about busy lines or the correct business hours.
Instant interaction
SMS allows businesses to communicate with customers in real-time. Even if an actual call is impossible, you show your callers that their interest is important to you, and you will get back to them as soon as possible.

Functionality tailored to your industry

Integrate our software seamlessly into your corporate marketing system. Adjust swiftly with no losses.
Get more leads and spend less on ads. Use Dialics for better results. Collaborate with buyers and vendors and extend the community.
Small and Medium Entrepreneur
Boost marketing with data analytics. Get insights, ROI measurement, and increased sales.


Please find the answers to the most frequent questions here. Anything else you wish to know? Do not hesitate to contact us

Is it possible to receive inbound SMS with Dialics?
Is it possible to customize the voice my callers will hear?
Do I have to pay extra for setting voicemail and SMS replies?

More Features

VoIP Shield
Enable the VoIP shield to keep your analytical data clean and save on quality calls.
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Сall Recording
Listen to your clients to know their expectations better and to improve phone customer service.
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Call Queues
Do not lose a single lead. Arrange calls in a waiting queue if the lines are busy or unavailable.
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Spam Filters
Make your analytics transparent and clear. Filter anonymous calls or repeated callers from the system.
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Whisper Message
Improve customer service by letting the destinations know the phone call source and keywords. Allow your agents to receive instant help from managers.
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Call Greetings
Provide excellent phone customer service. Conversions will increase with every happy customer.
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ROI Measurement
Examine the performance of your advertising campaigns and switch off those that do not generate enough leads or whose price per lead is too high.
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Call Forwarding
Direct calls to available agents or automated responces. Provide convenient working hours for the team and excellent customer service.
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Dynamic Number Insertion
Use dynamic numbers to get deeper analytics about your ads. Examine the most relevant keywords and the most productive traffic sources.
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Get started with Dialics Voicemail & SMS to increase your customer experience

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